It might seem an unlikely sector of the market for a rapper, however, 8 year old Dallas resident King Moore is attempting to become the youngest male rapper to make the Billboard charts. He is well on his way which says a lot about where the market today is heading and even more about where the audiences of tomorrow will emerge. With his angelic face, smooth swagger, childlike innocence, and roaring confidence King Moore is a music industry anomaly…
King Moore is gaining enormous popularity with his raw effervescence and has already had national exposure. Talk show host Tamron Hall personally sought him out for her recent kid series and the audience became mesmerized and instantly fell in love.
In the words of Ivette Moore (the little King’s mom) “What my husband and I found important was that as exciting and it is to make history, it is equally important that our son be a part of changing the trajectory of kids his age by doing age-appropriate music. As much as I can appreciate the Sexxy Reds in the music industry, as a parent, I find some of the lyrics to be inappropriate for children my son’s age.”
All major kids brands use music in their strategies. Exposing kids to music at an early age helps them learn and develop, however, King Moore took it one step further and instead of simply hearing the music he became the music. His parents had the insight to seek out two-time Grammy winning publisher Tony Mercedes (TLC, Ed Sheeran) to be his manager. Tony was so excited and impressed that he immediately went through his record crates and produced King’s debut single “ABC.” Mercedes is quoted as saying “King is special and I had to create a record that was equally special. King loves Michael Jackson so my decision to recreate a 2024 Jackson 5 song was perfect, and I had a blast doing it. Creating hip-hop history will not be easy. King does not have wealthy celebrity parents that can push the needle for him, so his music and his character has to speak for him, and I’m confident that with a little support and prayer King Moore being the youngest male rapper in history to chart on Billboard is possible.”
In a text from King’s mom to manager Tony Mercedes she wrote “ I think you nailed it. It is sad how explicit and bold music has become today. I remember songs from back in the day usually had an underline explicit message, but you had to be grown to understand the message. Children make up almost half the world population and 100% of our future. As a society, we need to create an alternative narrative for the generation that is going to be responsible for our future as we get older. King more absolutely loves being an artist and performing on stage. As a parent, it is my job to support him and help his dreams come true, but it is also my job to protect my child and guide him in the right direction. My husband, Verlin, and I can’t be the only parent out there wishing for a good non-vulgar and violent direction for music for our children.”
Only a few short decades ago, the idea of children and music might’ve meant the saccharine overload of a little Jimmy Osmond. Children rarely became pop performers and equally rarely considered a worthy and important audience. Now Spotify kids has 8000 songs and stories that are screened for suitability for a younger audience that was developed with the intention of listeners based for their age group rather than for their parents. King Moore is destined to bridge the gap between parents and kids listening pleasure….starting with the charts.
King Moore’s new single ABC drops worldwide on April 30th, 2024.
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