Driving Chiropractic Growth: The Alignment Automated Difference

May 22 15:51 2024

Pay-on-results methods are changing the way chiropractors grow with Alignment Automated, which Evan and Zeke founded. Recent successes, like Lejla’s 127 meetings in 4 weeks, show how good they are. They ensure clinics excel by emphasizing quality and accountability. One can trust Alignment Automated to transform any chiropractic office into a health leader.

Evan and Zeke are leaders of change and innovation in the demanding world of chiropractic care, where every adjustment helps people live better lives. Alignment Automated, the company they created, is more than just another consulting business; it’s a sign of hope for chiropractors who want to reach more people and have a bigger effect. Intending to make practices grow, Evan and Zeke have created a new way of doing things that are changing how chiropractic grows.

Chiropractors, or “DCs”, often have to balance caring for patients and running the office. During this busy time, marketing and growth plans may get less attention, which can cause customer numbers and clinic authority to stay the same. This is where Alignment Automated comes in, saving the day for chiropractors who want to take their business to a whole new level.

A dedication to real results is at the heart of Alignment Automated’s mindset. The days of vague promises and unknown results are over. Evan and Zeke know the importance of responsibility, so they only get paid when their clients get results. In other words, chiropractors will only pay when they can see real growth in their business. It’s a nice change from the usual way things work, where success is hard to find, and fees are paid no matter what happens.

One great example of how Alignment Automated can change things is the recent success story of Lejla, the marketing manager of Anthony Chiropractic who had the courage to dream big. When Lejla teamed up with Alignment Automated, she got an amazing 127 bookings in just four weeks. This rapid growth wasn’t just a lucky accident; it was planned carefully, used creative marketing strategies, and had the unwavering backing of Evan, Zeke, and the whole Alignment Automated team.

But what makes Alignment Automated unique isn’t just that they can get results; it’s that they put quality over quantity. Anyone can get a lot of new patients, but the real magic happens when those patients are retained and long-term relationships are built. Evan and Zeke are very aware of this, so they do everything they can to ensure that the patients who come to their client’s offices not only stay but also pay and send others.

“We’re changing the landscape for chiropractic growth by using specially designed systems unseen before in the space, all on a pay-on-results basis with the client as the priority,” remarks Evan, encapsulating the ethos of Alignment Automated in a single sentence. Their approach isn’t just about generating leads; it’s about building sustainable growth that withstands the test of time.

A deep understanding of the chiropractic business and cutting-edge marketing strategies are at the heart of Alignment Automated’s plan. Evans and Zeke do everything they can to make their clients look like experts in their field, from search engine optimization to social media management. They use the power of digital tools to make sure that chiropractors get new patients and teach and motivate the ones they already have.

However, the most appealing thing about Alignment Automated’s services is their dedication to their client’s success. In contrast to other companies, Evan and Zeke are legally obligated to get their clients results, signing a contract guaranteeing this to any chiropractor who works with them. They’re so sure they can get results that they will send a $1,000 wire to any client who doesn’t get the 60–100 qualified dates they promise in 90 days. That’s a strong statement that shows how dedicated they are and how sure they are in their way.

“After seeing so many companies burn DC’s out of their hard earned money, it became clear we needed to do something bold to show that results are our priority. We started this company because of seeing the surplus of unprofessional companies creating fear inside of chiropractors, making them believe they will never be able to outsource their growth to people they can trust.

“This has resulted in chiropractors wasting their valuable time on trying to figure it out on their own, which is a task way too time consuming for people who already have a full time job and business to run. Our goal is to make the growth of chiropractic clinics as seamless as possible, with no added effort on the DC themself,” Zeke explains about how their company differs from the rest.

Growing and staying in business are still hard problems for chiropractors nationwide. Alignment Automated is a bright spot of hope. Docs can be sure that their dreams of having a busy, successful office are well within reach now that Evan and Zeke are in charge. Why settle for average when the best is available, especially for chiropractors eager to elevate their business? The path to unmatched success can begin immediately by visiting Alignment Automated.

Media Contact
Company Name: Alignment Automated
Contact Person: Evan Episcopio
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website: https://www.alignmentautomated.com/