California – August 06, 2024 – In an eagerly anticipated literary debut, the enchanting world of “Dear Little Huè” comes alive, offering readers of all ages a heartwarming journey through the eyes of an 8-year-old boy and his 4-year-old adopted sister, Huè. Originally penned in Italian by celebrated author Lucia Tumiati and skillfully translated into English by Dr. Donna Mancusi-Ungaro Hart, this book presents an unforgettable narrative that bridges cultures and celebrates the universal values of friendship, diversity, and the magic of childhood adventures.
About the Author: Lucia Tumiati
Born in Venice in 1926, Lucia Tumiati has dedicated her prolific career to writing and publishing over 60 enchanting books and adventure stories for young readers. Despite her immense popularity in Italy, her works have remained undiscovered by English-speaking audiences until now. Tumiati’s tales empower children with important life lessons, weaving imagination and fantasy into captivating narratives that have earned her numerous literary awards in Italy.
About the Book: “Dear Little Huè”
“Dear Little Huè” immerses readers in the world of a second-grade class embarking on an adventure-filled camping trip led by their teacher and older siblings. Narrated in the first person by one of the campers, the story invites young readers to share in the excitement, challenges, and discoveries that await. From visiting a jam factory and sampling Alpine cheeses to exploring the wonders of the forest and its inhabitants, the book offers a rich tapestry of experiences that resonate with children who have ventured into the great outdoors.
What sets “Dear Little Huè” apart is its unique multicultural perspective. The story seamlessly integrates Italian children and an Asian girl, Huè, into the narrative, creating a multinational connection that fosters an appreciation for diversity. In an era marked by increasing awareness of cultural and racial bias, the book emphasizes unity among all living creatures and illustrates how children can be powerful mediators of cultural differences.
Lucia Tumiati’s timeless tale remains as relevant today as when it was first written, showcasing the enduring importance of sharing, kindness, and friendship in a rapidly changing world.
Key Highlights:
“Dear Little Huè” is a captivating and thought-provoking journey that celebrates the boundless potential of children to bring about harmony in an ever-diverse world.
For media query or author interviews, please contact:
Contact Person: Donna Mancusi-Ungaro Hart
Email Address: [email protected]
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